Welcome to Project Pearlshipping
Want to learn more about Pearlshipping? It's all here on the Pearlshipping DataCore. Here, you'll find in depth analysis on Pearlshipping, as well as overviews of its concepts. We're here because we love Pearlshipping!
But Pearlshipping DataCore does not stand on its own. It is part of a unit called Project Pearlshipping, which aims to revive Pearlshipping and make Pearlshipping the most deeply covered ship in the Pokeverse, as said in "Our Vision" below. Project Pearlshipping is comprised of:
- Pearlshipping DataCore, this site.
- Pearlshipping Vault, our forum. Find out more on the Join Us page.
- Pearlshipping TV, our Youtube channel.
And there's also our Facebook page www.facebook.com/projectpearlshipping
With the exception of Vault, all the above platforms are more formal and for us to deliver Pearlshipping facts, analysis and news to you. That brings us to...
ProjectEXtra comprises of several extra (hence the name) platforms we use to connect with Pearlshippers that have content that aren't strictly formal or official to Project Pearlshipping. These are:
Here's a bit more detail on what we do on each of these platforms:
.Twitter: There is actually minimal content overlap here, and we will retweet Pokemon and Pearlshipping stuff you guys might find interesting, and there are also some Japanese fanartists that post their work on twitter, which we will retweet. Oh yes, we also post anime screenshots/ out of context pics here.
Tumblr: Tumblr is our newest feature and we only have a few followers at the moment. We'll reblog pearlshipping posts and follow pearlshipping accounts.
May 19th 2016: Updates
Newsletters on hiatus again.
Personnel: Platinumsun aka PlatinusShinefall is now an administrator on Vault.
Our Vision:
We want to make Pearlshipping the most deeply covered ship in the Pokeverse. We want to not just be content with plainly seeing what's on the surface, but to delve deep into the heart of this ship.
Our Project won't only be a comprehensive guide on Pearlshipping, but it also seeks to support and encourage Pearlshippers, both new ones and ones that have been with the ship since DP.
"When every life meets another life, something will be born."
The Shipping Situation Update:
Re: Totally agreed
IA | 17/10/2014
As for the below comment
More episode analysis will be uploaded in the future, don't worry!
Re: Totally agreed
TM87 | 22/10/2014
I agree as well; I really enjoyed the episode analyses on this site.
Sad Truth
Charizard Knight | 17/10/2014
Yeah, Amourshipping isn't quite ready for criticism. They've kind of jumped the gun on that one.
Like one of your members said: People bash pairings because they feel insecure about their own. ( Not I'm not saying that you guys feel insecure about Pearlshipping, you obviously don't.)
I don't mean any disrespect, I just get so enraged when a shipper gets bashed! Something in me snaps when it happens, whether or not that I support it.
Anyway, thanks for replying!
Re: Sad Truth
IA | 17/10/2014
Sorry I don't think you QUITE got the gist of my first answer but hopefully this official statement will clear it up.
Re: Re: Sad Truth
Charizard Knight | 20/10/2014
Sorry, I should rephrase what I said: I don't like it when a SHIPPING gets bashed or it's shippers.
I read your news link and, I have to say, thank you for clearing that up. Often times, harsh criticism and bashing get mixed up.
Keep rocking, both in Project Pearlshipping and other aspects of your life!
P.S. I'll keep my mouth zipped about Amour for now. Like I said: It's too early to judge.