"Love is not about who you have known the longest, but who came and never left your side."
Our Leverage: Pearlshipping
Pearl v Amour focus: DATES?!
24/02/2016 13:21Who's in Contention?
11/08/2015 10:27Fighting...what about it?
06/08/2015 17:30Dawn
27/06/2015 15:52References to the Future
01/02/2015 19:11The Franchise Supports Pearl!
17/07/2014 11:45Dawn's Cameo: Piplup, Pansage and a Meeting of The Times
07/04/2014 10:22Important Points To Note
23/01/2014 21:59Official Merch
Out of all the ships, one of Pearlshipping's distinct characteristics is that it has a lot of merchandise and official artwork which hints towards it. The images below are from the Japanese Satohika site, but that can be hard to navigate, so we've compiled them in the gallery below.
On our resources page, you can also find pictures from the Sakai Takayuki Manga, as well as links. Here is the bulbapedia page on it.